Beauty, Behold
So, I am held in bondage and chains over an issue that has taxed me and haunted me for years. Exterior beauty. I know the roots of my problems go much deeper, but for years pieces of my life have been stolen from me, and I've lived less than what God has laid before me because of my obsessions and addictions.
I heard a sermon Sunday about what beauty really is, and since then, my thoughts have been focused a lot on "what does God really think beauty is?" "What is real beauty?" The sermon talked about how our culture has done such a wonderful job of portraying beauty as an exlusively exterior trait, that in reality, is unattainable, and I have experienced that over the years. I've been extremely thin and also chubby, but never have I been satisfied with my exterior.
But God looks elsewhere. So, I hope, over the next while, to explore what God sees as beautiful, because I not only want to see His beauty in me, but I want to see it in others, too. Beauty is so much deeper than the skin, I know it is, but I can't see past the first myself, and often in others. Which makes me very sad.
I remember a quote someone said to me a little while back. "Everyone is naked underneath their clothes." All these fads, false fronts, disguises we all put on......mean nothing in the end. It doesn't add beauty. It adds luster, pizzaze, and social acceptability. Now, I don't have it all figured out, and I'm certainly not trying to judge physically attractive people or people who like to wear dressy clothes. I'm just trying to see beyond that right now. To learn how the inner beauty works its way out.
Tonight, I went to a Mercy Me/Audio A concert (which was awesome, by the way), and a guy named Phil Wickham opened for the bands. He had one song that stuck out in particular to me, and it was called "Divine Romance." The second line:
"The richness of Your beauty's all I see." God, let me see!
Lord, please teach me what beauty really is, according to You and Your word and not the ways of the world. Show me how to see Your beauty in the natural, physical, and spiritual, in the complexities and simplicities of life. Show me what this means, and why this is important for me to see. And if you desire, help me eventually show this beauty to others in a way that will encourage them and also bring glory to You.
I heard a sermon Sunday about what beauty really is, and since then, my thoughts have been focused a lot on "what does God really think beauty is?" "What is real beauty?" The sermon talked about how our culture has done such a wonderful job of portraying beauty as an exlusively exterior trait, that in reality, is unattainable, and I have experienced that over the years. I've been extremely thin and also chubby, but never have I been satisfied with my exterior.
But God looks elsewhere. So, I hope, over the next while, to explore what God sees as beautiful, because I not only want to see His beauty in me, but I want to see it in others, too. Beauty is so much deeper than the skin, I know it is, but I can't see past the first myself, and often in others. Which makes me very sad.
I remember a quote someone said to me a little while back. "Everyone is naked underneath their clothes." All these fads, false fronts, disguises we all put on......mean nothing in the end. It doesn't add beauty. It adds luster, pizzaze, and social acceptability. Now, I don't have it all figured out, and I'm certainly not trying to judge physically attractive people or people who like to wear dressy clothes. I'm just trying to see beyond that right now. To learn how the inner beauty works its way out.
Tonight, I went to a Mercy Me/Audio A concert (which was awesome, by the way), and a guy named Phil Wickham opened for the bands. He had one song that stuck out in particular to me, and it was called "Divine Romance." The second line:
"The richness of Your beauty's all I see." God, let me see!
Lord, please teach me what beauty really is, according to You and Your word and not the ways of the world. Show me how to see Your beauty in the natural, physical, and spiritual, in the complexities and simplicities of life. Show me what this means, and why this is important for me to see. And if you desire, help me eventually show this beauty to others in a way that will encourage them and also bring glory to You.
I'm so glad that you're thinking on this... you really are beautiful.
Christi Lee, at 7:29 AM
Kimmie, ditto what Christi said! I think you are so beautiful, and I think you are the only one who doesn't know it! But isn't that how it often happens.....we can't see the beauty that's right in front of us...instead we see it through our warped filters that change reality...It can be a long, hard road, but I will be praying for you! I love you!
Kara, at 12:14 AM
well sweety you SO know what I think!:)
I am thankful you are allowing God to show you the truth and help you to receive His love and see beauty (yours and others) for what it really is.
The last time I went to GA to MEW God hit me pretty hard with His truth in this area like never before. I am still working through it but I also know my ideas have been transformed and God's word once again has become even more real to me.
One thing they say @ MEW (with lots of grace:) in regard to our struggles "are you willing to call God a liar"? it hit me hard this time what I was doing. Its not like it hasn't dawned on me in the past but it didn't really hit me until this last time.
I attended a conference with Neil Anderson (Author of the book Bondage Breaker) many years ago. He asked the audience a questions "Do you believe in the Bible?" everyone cheered and shouted out "yes" with fervent passion. Then he said "for God's sake, act like it!" boy you could have heard a pen drop.
but even so many years ago I just didn't get it in my spirit I truly believe God is penetrating your spirit in this area.
Another reminder I have is another fav saying of MEW. "who told you that?"
I was always taught to take my thoughts captive and weigh it with the word of God. Now its easier because I just think of that question.
who told me I was ugly fat stupid etc. Most likely the answer is our society the media the enemy, etc.
God never did and anyone who truly loves us never would because true love looks at the soul. well, in my humble little opinion. mind you, we are all broken in areas of our life and God's love and grace are there as we walk out our healing.
Wow I have written more then I expected! You get the point still walking it out, praying for you and believing it will come soon for us all!
BTW: did you get the article Dave handed out on that Sunday, if not my mom brought it home for me to read it is SO good! Just let me know if you need a copy.
also I sent this link to you but thought I would post it here too.
Everyone needs to see it and I hope they do one of men too!
aka: (learning to be) Beautiful woman of God
vir, at 11:38 AM
Thank you, lovely ladies, for commenting on my blog. I'll keep working through this. It's so hard not to get sucked into the media's portrayal of women, or get past all the comments that reinforce the idea that women are what they look like: "Man, she's so hot!" for example. It's like, that's what I should strive for. Attention. "Hotness." And I am to blame for believing this. For getting so deep into the physical now that I am having trouble even knowing how to begin to get out. It will come, though.
Love you all very much.
Kimmy, at 11:33 AM
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