
I wanted to post this pic of me and Garlic Man. He's definitely been one of my favorite people on the trail so far. He was working at an outfitter in Harper's Ferry and also was staying at the hostel where I spent the night. He has hiked the AT, PCT, and CDT, and just has a thirst for more. His passion is certainly for hiking and hikers. I loved talking with him. The pic is a little fuzzy, but you can still tell he's awesome. ;)
Trying to think of interesting stories to tell, but none come to mind at the moment. Just taking the hiking one day at a time. I will soon be in Vermont, and that will make state 12, with only 13 and 14 to go. There are still quite a few miles, though, since Maine is relatively large, but I know the best hiking is yet to come. Everyone always talks about the VT, NH, and ME section and how amazing it is, so I'm really looking forward to it. I have been pleasantly surprised with CT and Mass as well. Very lusche and and green.
I finally broke down and bought a radio, by the way. Just couldn't be alone with myself much longer. It feels a little like a cop-out, but at the same time, it's helping me tremendously. I don't know if I could keep going and stay sane without some kind of music or something to keep me going. It seems to give me some energy, too.
I finally saw a bear in Jersey. I think Mom put that in another post though maybe. My first bear encounter ever!! And it only took like 1200 miles. ;)
I've had some amazing encounters with trail angels and things of that nature. People really are spectacular along the trail. Cutting me deals, giving me rides, giving me food, etc. I wish I could pay all these people back, but I will most likely never see them again. Like last night, I stayed at a cabin along the trail, run by the ATC I believe, and there were two caretakers there, Pat and Cathy. It was so nice to hang out with them, and in the morning, bright and early at 5:45am, they fixed me pancakes to get me going for the day. They didn't expect anything in return. Just kind and generous people. I love it, and the pancakes were DEEEEELICIOUS.
The weather has been a little less than perfect the last few days, but not too bad really. Just some rain on and off, and it's been slightly chilly. I can't help but think of Glenn when I think about a couple days ago when the sky got so dark from an incoming storm that I almost needed a headlamp. I just kept hiking...what else could I do? And the hail balls hurt a little, but it didn't last too long. Just another adventure. Because of the rain, I've been walking through A LOT of mud and water, too. Mostly mud now. Fun fun. :)
I'm now on 22 falls. But still unhurt, which is good.
Oh, there is always so much to write and so little time. I need to get going so I can buy a few groceries, buy some din din, and hike out of town and set up camp somewhere before it gets dark. Love and miss you all. Can't wait to get back to M-town and O-town to give you all the biggest hugs you've ever had. :)
Love, Do-Rag
hail balls.....that is so freekin' sweet
glenn, at 3:04 AM
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