Living Sacrifice

Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Joblessness Continues

Well, I think I have been politely told that I didn't get the position at Barnes and Noble. I called to ask about the status of the position, and he told me they are still interviewing and that I should hear from them by Tuesday. That basically means it's not me.....because on interview #2, I was told it was between me and one other person, and now, after interview #3, I am being told there are several still to interview with Martin (#3 dude). So, I am accepting the fact that I didn't get the job, which, I have mixed emotions about.

I am crying right now, but when I sit to think about it, I don't think it is because I will not be working as cafe manager at Barnes and Noble. When I really thinking about it, deep down I don't think I really wanted the job anyway. I think what I am upset about is not knowing what to do with my life right now. For a couple weeks, I had at least something to shoot for, something to work on, something to try to achieve. It gave me a little bit of direction for a while. So it's not the job itself, it's just the idea of having some kind of security. I'm ok with not getting the job, but I'm not ok with feeling so lost.


  • So sorry to hear that. I feel for you so much cause we were in just the same position like a month ago. I went home with no job and no money. I went through a depression stage for like 3 weeks until I started to pray everyday. I don't know if you believe in prayers. But I do and it helped me a lot. I got myself a job already, it 's the miracle of prayers. I hope you will receive a miracle too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:31 AM  

  • my last several blogs have had random comments from people I don't seem to know......I love comments like this, so feel free to continue, but it would be awesome if you could identify yourself (selves) so I know who you are and how to respond.

    Thanks! :)

    By Blogger Kimmy, at 1:19 PM  

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