Living Sacrifice

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I just got finished practicing steel drums. Woooo! I never really thought about what it must be like for a music major here at Miami, but man, being in that little room with barely enough space for me to move for more than 30-60 minutes seems like craziness to me. And I know the people who play instruments spend hours in those rooms practicing. Whew.....that's beyond me. I could never do it.

But anyway, most of the rooms also contain a piano, so sometimes when I get tired of banging on my trashcans, I switch to the piano. Today, I remembered that I had a few chords and stuff in the same folder as my steel drum music that I had typed up a while ago, so I flipped through the pages to see what I could find. I happened to run across "You are my Hope" by Skillet. I've felt really depressed the past couple days....felt really alone and own issues I guess. But it felt so good to sit there in that teeny tiny practice room and play and sing a song about hope.

"You are my Hope,
You are my Strength,
You're everything, everything I need.
You are my Hope,
You are my Life,
You are my Hope."

These are words that I need to hear. Jesus is everything I need, I just often forget it. I think I need other people, material things, possessions, certain grades, certain looks.....but all of that means nothing to my Father, and He is all that I need. I'm still depressed for whatever reason, but at the same time, I feel refreshed, being reminded that I still have hope in both this life and in my eternity which will be spent with my Father, Lover, and Friend.

And, as a side note, it helped that the song was by Skillet, you know.....since I'll be seeing them in concert this Friday. :) Maybe they'll play this song for me. Spen, wanna make the request? You seem to be good at yelling things to the band. hehe


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