Well, today is the big TWO FIVE for Jason. Yep, my big brother is 25. Pretty sweet. Trying to reminisce: like the time he spun me around and threw me into the couch and broke my collar bone, or all the good times riding around on an intertube tied to his 4-wheeler in the winter, pulling the glass out from underneath while my dad was pouring him apple juice, when we used to spend entire days down at the creek (exploring, catching crawdads, building forts, and having "wars"), when he and Rusty pounded on a mustard bottle and splattered mustard all over the wall, when he used to tell me stories about Rusty's older brother burping so loud that it shook the house, playing "hot box" for hours on end in the front yard with "Lil Pfeif" and Spen on the slip and slide, when he got slammed into a bleacher during an auditorium event in high school when he got jumped by 3-4 seniors (I heard his head slam into the bleachers from where I was sitting), when he hit his first homerun in high school, when he would stick up for me in high school even though that probably wasn't a very cool thing for an older brother to do (cool for me, not for him), his old "do" that was the same hair cut from 2nd grade to probably 3rd or 4th year of college, how he loved me so much during a really hard time in high school....and even wrote me a 5-page letter, when he helped baptise me, when he used to lead worship, when he married the most amazing woman ever, and finally, when he got a ping pong table....haha. I'm sure if I sat here longer, I could think of many many more things, but I need to get off my rear. Anyway, he just got a ping pong table for his b-day, so here are a couple pics. Let me tell you, these are some intense games. INTENSE. And before the pics, let me end with saying I love my brother, and he's been a role model for me for a long time....someone I look up to because he is amazing. Couldn't ask for a better sib. :)

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