Oh, by the way....unrelated to the trail.....thanks to everyone for praying about the job at the theater. I figured I'd give a quick update since I never let you all know how things went over.
That Monday after the Sunday I asked peeps to pray at church, I called Steve and asked him if I could have a couple more weeks to think about the job. He said sure. So....I called him a couple weeks later, which was on a Saturday (since that's when I had access to a pay phone) and so I had to leave a message. I basically did what David suggested. I gave him a $$ figure, I gave him a date when I could start, and that was that. Sort of "well, here's what I want. Take it or leave it." This was about a week and a half ago, and I have yet to hear from Steve. So......I don't really know what to think about all of it. I guess I will assume that his answer, then, is no, and that I can forget about the theater job. But...regardless, if I hear anything, I will try to update my blog and let you know, since this is a big part of my life and will determine a lot about what I do when I return from the trail.
Love you all.
That Monday after the Sunday I asked peeps to pray at church, I called Steve and asked him if I could have a couple more weeks to think about the job. He said sure. So....I called him a couple weeks later, which was on a Saturday (since that's when I had access to a pay phone) and so I had to leave a message. I basically did what David suggested. I gave him a $$ figure, I gave him a date when I could start, and that was that. Sort of "well, here's what I want. Take it or leave it." This was about a week and a half ago, and I have yet to hear from Steve. So......I don't really know what to think about all of it. I guess I will assume that his answer, then, is no, and that I can forget about the theater job. But...regardless, if I hear anything, I will try to update my blog and let you know, since this is a big part of my life and will determine a lot about what I do when I return from the trail.
Love you all.
Doug just told me this past Monday that he met his replacement. So, I doubt that you now have a chance at it. Maybe if this guy doesn't work out... I dunno.
But I'm glad you've had a lot of good experiences on the trail. We are all praying for you. And every time your name or the trail comes up at the Princess, everybody gets those puppy eyes. We miss you and are still worried about you. We'll send some more lamb's wool for the blisters. If that stuff isn't really helping, let me know.
*HUG* Love you!
Christi Lee, at 10:29 AM
P.S. ~ I will leave you messages, but it won't be as often as I want. Answering machines make me nervous. (^_^);;;
Christi Lee, at 10:30 AM
I left ya a msg. on your last entry "It's Me" I think it was titled, so check that out.
Sorry to hear about the theater, but maybe it is for the best, maybe what God wanted anyway?? Who knows? Keep prayin' 2 Him and ask Him where He wants ya. Is it in Oxford or Waldo o where?? Only He really knows where is the best fit for you. He's got it all mapped out, even if ya can't see it yet, that is okay and He just says rest and trust in Him.
Have a blessed day and check out my other comments on the other post.
EM :-) <><
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
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