Living Sacrifice

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Well, I had to return A Severe Mercy to the library, so no more quotes for now until I can someday hopefully buy a copy.  But, life is still plugging away, and I find myself somehow staying busy....just a lot of random things going on: trying to keep track of the women's center stuff, dealing with weddings, working, house/dog-sitting, babysitting, putting together/practicing worship music, hanging out with peeps, composing music.  All good stuff. 

I really liked Spen's blog from Tuesday ( about being a nobody and worrying more about the lost than boasting about the good works we have done (or, I think it could also be worrying about our own personal stuff rather than people who need Love).  Once in a while I feel for the lost.....I long for them to find Love and Truth.  But not very often, and definitely not like I should.  I'm usually too worried about my life and what I can get out of every situation.  Selfish ambition.....I believe that is how my state-of-mind is labeled somewhere in the NIV New Testament.  Certainly something I need to work on.....or really, something I don't think I can necessarily change, but rather something I need to hand over to God for His working.  Because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get rid of selfish thinking patterns. 

Anyway...check out Spen's blog.  It's good stuff. 


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