Well, today was pretty darn sweet. I only got 4 hours of sleep, but it didn't affect me too much. I opened at Kofenya, which (if I am awake) is a real treat most of the time, because the morning people are majoritively non-students. I like that. I like talking to the adults, seeing people who have establishment in their life, seeing people who are different than me and all the people I am so used to seeing in Oxford. Such a nice change. And the older people are actually towns-people, not just students staying for 4 years. It's cool.
Then I got to play music with Christi, which was just amazing. She's so good at cello, and she can make anything of mine that is crappy sound like a masterpiece. :) I can't wait to play with her in Feb, but MAN do I need to practice a TON.
THEN I went to Colerain with my buddy Ian. Oh my goodness it was so good to see him! He loves outdoor stuff, so we basically just went "gearing" and bought some more stuff for my trip. We got all caught up on life with each other and ate at Subway. So, my gear is getting closer to being completed, but I still have a lot to get. Whew. I'm gonna be broke after this trip.
AND.....I got my tent in the mail today!!! Oh, it's so great!! This pic is a little fuzzy, but this is me with my trekking poles in my new sweetest tent ever. ;)

OK, and I'm going to apologize right now for the fact that majority of my posts from now on out are going to be about my trip on the AT probably. I can't help it. It's a big part of my life right now. And hopefully some of the stuff I talk about will be semi-interesting, since most people don't know much about the trail (including myself, but I'm learning more as I read). So, be prepared to hear about hiking! ;)
Then I got to play music with Christi, which was just amazing. She's so good at cello, and she can make anything of mine that is crappy sound like a masterpiece. :) I can't wait to play with her in Feb, but MAN do I need to practice a TON.
THEN I went to Colerain with my buddy Ian. Oh my goodness it was so good to see him! He loves outdoor stuff, so we basically just went "gearing" and bought some more stuff for my trip. We got all caught up on life with each other and ate at Subway. So, my gear is getting closer to being completed, but I still have a lot to get. Whew. I'm gonna be broke after this trip.
AND.....I got my tent in the mail today!!! Oh, it's so great!! This pic is a little fuzzy, but this is me with my trekking poles in my new sweetest tent ever. ;)

OK, and I'm going to apologize right now for the fact that majority of my posts from now on out are going to be about my trip on the AT probably. I can't help it. It's a big part of my life right now. And hopefully some of the stuff I talk about will be semi-interesting, since most people don't know much about the trail (including myself, but I'm learning more as I read). So, be prepared to hear about hiking! ;)
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