I just got back from visiting my pal Ian at BG, and it was a blast, besides the fact that I kept almost falling asleep everywhere. I drank a couple coffees, which helped a bit, but nothing can quite make up for not going to bed the night before......oops. I gotta work on that, but someone is making it very difficult (I won't mention names). ;) But anyway, BG was great. I loved the campus simply because I didn't feel like I was walking through a J Crew magazine or something. I mean, I guess I shouldn't stereotype Miamians, but let me tell you.....I have not been so refreshed to see so many "normal" college students in my life. Many many people with jeans and sweatshirts and things, normal hair cuts, artsy peeps, average height and weight peeps. It was all just such a change from what I am used to seeing in Oxford, the city of the beautiful. I'd forgotten how hard it was to live in Oxford and see all these gorgeous people all the time until tonight when I was reminded of the normality of humanity at a different college campus. It was really nice. I felt almost normal for once.
Ian is a blast. It was so nice to see him again. We went "gearing," and Ian found a pack, but unfortunately, I have not been so lucky yet. So, I'm going to check Bass Pro sometime tomorrow or Monday most likely to see what I can find there.
I am currently at my safe-haven.....my parents' house. It's really nice to be home for the night. I think I love being here at home more and more as I get older and older. My mini vacation spot, as I think I have called it before.
Oh my goodness, I almost forgot the best part of the night! Ian's roommate is in a band called the Student Loan, and they are very similar to Nickel Creek or something. I believe they call it "new grass." It was A-MA-ZA-ZING! I could have listened to them all night long. They had so much energy and sounded incredible. After the show, Ian's roommate gave me a demo CD, which I of course sampled for most of the ride home. *sigh* I love underground music stuff. It's so raw and beautiful.
Anyway, not going to bed last night has left me incredibly tired tonight, so I better go to bed. But before I do.......here's a couple pictures of our cuties. :) I posted these on here for a specific person who will remain unknown so that this person can see the size and non-threatening nature of our doggies. Yeah, you know who you are. ;)

Ian is a blast. It was so nice to see him again. We went "gearing," and Ian found a pack, but unfortunately, I have not been so lucky yet. So, I'm going to check Bass Pro sometime tomorrow or Monday most likely to see what I can find there.
I am currently at my safe-haven.....my parents' house. It's really nice to be home for the night. I think I love being here at home more and more as I get older and older. My mini vacation spot, as I think I have called it before.
Oh my goodness, I almost forgot the best part of the night! Ian's roommate is in a band called the Student Loan, and they are very similar to Nickel Creek or something. I believe they call it "new grass." It was A-MA-ZA-ZING! I could have listened to them all night long. They had so much energy and sounded incredible. After the show, Ian's roommate gave me a demo CD, which I of course sampled for most of the ride home. *sigh* I love underground music stuff. It's so raw and beautiful.
Anyway, not going to bed last night has left me incredibly tired tonight, so I better go to bed. But before I do.......here's a couple pictures of our cuties. :) I posted these on here for a specific person who will remain unknown so that this person can see the size and non-threatening nature of our doggies. Yeah, you know who you are. ;)

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