Well, life is going on and on. It continues, and I am a college graduate. But you know, not much has changed except my perception of the reception of a college degree. I thought it would be my easy gateway into a job, but instead I am finding that it is worth just about as much as the piece of paper it’s written on. Shhhh…don’t tell my parents! *laugh* Just kidding. I mean, I do not regret the last four years of my life…I know I learned a lot about people and life, and I don’t think I would change experiencing the college life. I think the only thing I might change is my degree. But I don’t know…maybe not even that. It’s just that a psyche undergrad isn’t worth much to the world, even if I do have magna cum laude or whatever the heck that is. It doesn’t matter much to the world. I went to a job interview for a drug rehab center in Hamilton, Ohio, which starts pay at like $9.35 an hour (if you do the math, that’s gonna be somewhere around $19,000 a year). But…I didn’t even get that job….which really was ok with me, because I’m not sure I really wanted it anyway….I wasn’t sure what I was going to say if she called me back and told me I had the job. I think it’s more the concept….that even with a psyche degree from MU, with good grades, with a managerial position at my job and experience with both older people and younger people through my other job and BBBS, I couldn’t get a job for $19,000 a year (which is less than a manager would make at a fast food place most likely without a college degree). It just seems kind of silly. The lady was very nice and called me back. She told me I just didn’t have enough “experience.” That was frustrating, because I’m like “What do I do with that?” I thought that this job would be my entry level experience for different stuff later on down the road, but evidently, you need “experience” to get a job for $19,000 a year. Wow.
So, my job searching continues. I just don’t know what I want to do…..what I would really enjoy. I’m considering substitute teaching for a while until I figure things out, because I think it would be fun…I love kids, and it wouldn’t tie me down to any real commitments for the time being. I’m not really in a hurry to be tied down, I just want to feel secure in knowing I have enough money to pay rent, car insurance, health insurance, etc. To have some extra money to fix my car, get a guitar, and get a new computer with some rocking sound equipment would be nice, too, but those things might have to wait. I just might have to be poor for a little while. Or a long while. I don’t know, but I should be ok with that, right? Things will work out. God provides. Always.
Something Vir said to me has stuck in my head….. “If you could do anything, what would you do?” and then she was like “I know the answer to that” and we both laughed. If you know me well, you probably know the answer to that, too. I love music, and I would love to do something with that. Play, sing, record, whatever….anything involving music. I love it. I’ve come to the realization over the past couple years that it’s my passion (besides Christ), and I’ve just never allowed it to be manifested in my life because I’ve always been consumed with sports, grades, and whatever else. And now…I’m allowing a “job” for money to get in the way. Should I figure out how I can pursue something that I know I will love for the rest of my life? What do I do with that passion? I’m not very good at any one instrument. Just average at everything. So is it possible for me to pursue some kind of career with this at all? Is it feasible? Is it rational? I don’t know. Not everything in life is meant to be reasonable and rational, though. You know, I just don’t know….. lol And I continue to press on……
By the way, I’m WAY excited about having Spen working at the theater with me. Vic, Spen, and I worked together on Monday, and it was AWEWSOME! Vir said “It’s not even going to be like work for you guys….it’s just going to be play.” *laugh* And it pretty much was. Work changes completely when you are working with people you love, people who are brothers (or sisters) in Christ. It’s something I cherish, and I’m so thankful to God for it. And I’m really looking forward to living with Spenny in a couple months. YAY!